Reporting Unethical

Your voice is the strength of FNS.


1. Objects of Report

* Required Field

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* The company to which the person to be reported belong must be chosen.

2. Informant

* Required Field

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* The name of the informant must be entered.


* Invalid e-mail format.

* the e-mail is required.

Answer the result*

* Receipt of the result must be entered.

3. Contents of Report

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* The title must be entered.


* The content of reporting must be entered.

* Up to 20 files can be attached.

* Up to 20 files can be attached.

4. Agreement of Personal Information Provision

Collection and Use of Personal Information

* Personal information collected and the method to collect the information
Ethics Hotline of the FNS collects personal information for fair treatment of the report within the minimum required range. The information collected is 'Name, e-mail address, telephone (cell phone) number'. If you do not wish to provide personal information, you may report via 'Anonymity'. However, anonymous reporting may have some limitation in confirming the receipt of report and handling the case.
* Collection of Personal Information and Its Purpose
Collection of Personal Information is for handling the report purposes only, which may include the additional investigation, confirmation of receipt and further communication as needed, etc.
* Treatment of Personal Information and Retention Period
Personal information collected via FNS(PANTOSUSA) Ethics Hotline system is to be kept in principle for 1 year after the closing of the case for the report, but exceptions may apply to cases in need of additional retention.

Consent to provide personal information to a third party

The personal information may be provided to a related company in order to handle the report. If you do not wish to disclose the personal information, please use Anonymity Report system.

  • - Companies receiving the personal information: FNS
  • - Personal information provided: Name, e-mail address, telephone (cell phone) number
  • - Purpose of providing personal information: to handle the report including additional check for the complaint when necessary, help for confirmation of receipt of report, etc.
  • - Period of retention and use: the same as Treatment of Personal Information and Retention Period