Reporting Unethical

Your voice is the strength of FNS.


1. Objects of Report

* Required Field

* The company to which the person to be reported belong must be chosen.

2. Contents of Report


* The title must be entered.


* The content of reporting must be entered.

* Up to 20 files can be attached. (Please don't exceed 50 megabytes per file.)

* Up to 20 files can be attached.

3.Information required when checking the report result

* Required field

* ID available.

* ID must be composed of a character from a-z, A-Z, 0-9, including the _ (underscore) character.

* ID is required.

* Please double check ID.

* Combination of 8 or more characters including special characters

* Password is required.

* Password must be at least 8 characters including special characters.

* Password and password confirmation do not match.

* Registered ID and password do not provide separate re-checking procedure if lost. Please register carefully.